
Blog posts : "Home Improvement"

How To Know If Windows Are Leaking & What To Do About It

For most people, the sound of raindrops falling is relaxing, but if the first sign of a shower causes panic because of your leaky windows and the damage they might cause – it’s time to have them replaced!

Dealing with leaky windows is never fun, but if you know what to look out for, you can h…

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How Doors & Windows Add ROI To Your Home

Everyone is aware of the obvious functions that windows and doors perform as entrances and openings for traffic and light, but did you know that doors and windows can actually add significant value or ROI to your home for resale?

Return on Investment in real estate, (or ROI) is a common term …

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How to Draft Proof Your Home

The winter season is upon us, and while Vancouver Island might not get as much snow as other parts of Canada, we’re still susceptible to dramatic weather shifts. During the colder months of the year, your windows and other structures around your house can let cool air from the outside into your …

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3 blog posts